College New Zeland - College in New Zealand with Go To New Zealand
Registered Education Consultants
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Range of Colleges to Choose From
College New Zealand Fees
Important Information: Colleges in New Zealand charge monthly fees of NZ$ 8000 - 16.000 per semester (half a year).
International students have to keep in mind that living costs for accommodation food and free time come on top of that.
Please contact our student service to find out more, or apply. Our service is free of charge.
College New Zealand Applications
Free College New Zealand Services
Free College New Zealand Service

- step-by-step guide how to apply at a college in NZ
- compare New Zealand colleges
- find information on college courses in New Zealand
- pre-departure seminars ... more about our free services
- a wonderful natural environment for study and relaxation
- a safe learning environment
- excellent educational programmes
- support services for international students
- high quality qualifications

Study at College in New Zealand

Manukau Institute of Technology

Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology

Unitec New Zealand

Yoobee Colleges

New Zealand School of Tourism

New Zealand Institute of Sport (NZIS)
New Zealand Colleges offer a great range of qualifications that are internationally recognised and easily transferable. Our Colleges in New Zealand are internationally recognised and hold the highest rating by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Colleges in New Zealand offer diverse education pathways and qualifications.
Welcome on College in New Zealand!

- College NZ agents will help international students compare NZ college courses in order to help you decide which course is your best option. We will find information on college courses as well as provide you with information on which college in New Zealand is most appropriate for your needs. We will also assist you with the application process.
- Go To New Zealand holds educational events where you can further discuss your education options with representatives of different colleges.
- The Go To New Zealand assistance does not end with meeting your educational needs instead the service will explain to you the visa requirements of your chosen country, take you through the visa process and organise for you to take an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test.
- And just so you are clear on what you are in for with your international move our agents will explain to you all about life in New Zealand as well as introduce you to other college students in your position at their pre-departure seminars.
- When preparing for your new life in New Zealand there is no smoother way to transition than with the help of the College NZ team!
- Step-by-step help on the application process for your course, for work experience or an internship – including translating, copying and submitting.
- Assistance and information on English requirements and tests you may need to take.
- Continuous communication while application is being processed and information on what to do next after approval.
- Help with student visas – including application forms, renewing a visa or seeking an extension.
- Advice on how to get to Australia or New Zealand, and how to get around once you have arrived.
- Accommodation and student housing
- All other information on living in Australia or New Zealand – everything from going to the doctor, shopping, insurance, banking and getting work.
Visit any College in New Zealand
You are invited to study at one of the Colleges in New Zealand. Colleges in New Zealand offers world-class education such as hospitality and tourism courses at all levels - from tertiary students to industry executives, tourists and visitor groups.
New Zealand offers hospitality management training, adventure tourism education, internships, English language, short courses for visitors, personal and leadership development courses, customised programmes and more.
Study at one of the colleges in NZ set amongst the most spectacular scenery in the world.
In New Zealand the word "college" normally refers to a secondary school for ages 13 to 17. The difference between "high schools" and "colleges" is usually only one of terminology.
"Colleges" most frequently appear in the North Island, whereas "high schools" are more common in the South Island.
Some universities, have divided their University into constituent administrative "Colleges" - the College of Arts, College of Science .... The institutions formerly known as "Teacher-training colleges" now call themselves "College of education".
And some professional bodies in New Zealand style themselves as "colleges.
New Zealand College Types
Higher Education in New Zealand does not just consist of University. There are many Higher Education providers located all over the country. Many offer a variety of courses whilst some providers specialise in a particular area. What ever a student is looking for there is bound to be a course provider for every individual.
Whilst many Universities, Colleges and Institutes are similar in the courses they offer. All offer students Undergraduate courses for full time and part time study. Universities which are state owned offer all Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses as well as Doctoral degrees.
Colleges and Institutes in New Zealand are similar they provide full or part time Undergraduate programs. These providers also offer Certificates and Diplomas as well. The main difference in a College or Institute from a University is that they are privately owned and funded. Although still offering high class facilities, experienced and qualified teachers, as well as providing services for international students.
There are many International Colleges in New Zealand who offer English Language courses as well as Vocational courses. English Language courses are offered to help an international student with either language, study or business skills. Designed to help educate a migrant on how the business and educational world operates in New Zealand. Vocational courses are designed to help teach a trade to new migrants, it will help with skills required for a new work place as well as also teaching work place health and safety rules and regulations.
The main qualification types offered in New Zealands Higher Education sector include National Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelors Degrees, Graduate Diplomas, Post Graduate Diploma, Bachelor with Honors, Masters and Doctorates. All these qualifications are Nationally recognised, as well as being recognised through out the commonwealth and highly regarded world wide.
A New Zealand education is well regarded world wide as well as a fantastic opportunity to see a fantastically diverse country. There should be a education provider available for any new student.
Colleges of education provide programs required for early childhood, primary and secondary school teaching qualifications. They also provide training for other occupational groups such as social workers. All courses involve supervised on-the-job training for students.
Privately owned Colleges in New Zealand
There are around 860 registered private educational institutions in New Zealand. They are privately owned and funded, although some of them may attract public funding. Courses offered at these institutions range from scuba diving, hospitality to business.
National Qualifications Framework
Many of the courses pursued by international students are covered under the New Zealand Qualifications Framework which provides guidance and advice on the skills and attributes necessary for success in a particular area.
The framework is nationally accredited, no matter where or what learning takes place. It is strongly endorsed by education providers, industry and employers. The system is comparable to most systems in western countries.
Wānanga, Māori centres of tertiary learning, were established as tertiary education institutions in the last decade. These offer advanced study and research programs where ahuatanga Māori (Māori tradition) and tikanga Māori (Māori custom) are an integral part of the program. There are three wānanga in the public sector. New Zealand offers the international student the opportunity to study at high-quality secondary schools as well as undertake a range of qualifications run by quality assured tertiary institutions.
College New Zealand Applications
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
Free College New Zealand Application
Guidance and counseling on study options and career pathways as well as assistance in settling in NZ.
The New Zealand College Adviser Service provides students with an up to date service in so far as applying to enrolling is concerned. This is because they have the widest network of contacts and information as relates to the New Zealand education system. This ensures that international al students make the most of their given opportunities.
They are provided first-hand knowledge in order to make an informed decision as to which education provider best serves their needs. This matching service assists students to make a smooth transition to study in New Zealand and also makes the possible the option of cross-transfer between institutions.
College New Zealand Application Service
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
College New Zealand - Student Accommodation
Many Colleges offer Independent, Comfortable, yet Affordable Accommodation to International Students
The living cost in New Zealand can be a whooping 8,000 dollars per year. Many staying at rented apartments need to shell out 250 dollars per week roughly. However, there are affordable New Zealand accommodation facilities just for the students studying in various colleges, polytechnics, and private institutes. Although homestays and pastoral care is a must for primary and high school students, college students can stay independently at a comfy yet secured environment.
Dormitory Accommodation and Flat-Sharing
With course fees, transport costs, and entertainment expenses, a college student could require a huge sum that cannot be affordable for most. However, many college students who need to independently stay in the country, share flats or stay at student hostels and dormitories. There are many backpacker’s hostels, online sites, and couch-sharing facilities which help international students to find out like-minded students to share and reside in New Zealand. A dormitory would be about 20-35 dollars per day at Nelson, Auckland, or Queenstown. A typical flat-sharing would cost similar amount per head.
Campus Hostel
In New Zealand, many colleges have a student hostel or “Hall of Residence” where a group of students reside. Meals are served at community hall and the hostel facilities may include net connectivity, recreational center, gym, and sports complex. The Waikato University for instance has 1000 student cottage style units for international students. There are private student hostels too which provide furnished accommodation at various locations near prominent colleges and universities in New Zealand. The hostel offers security, food, and lodging and allows college students to stay in 2-5 sitter rooms.
College Apartments
The Unitec Residential Building or the Nikau Apartments of Nelson Marlborough are well furnished apartments which offer single to multiple sitter bedrooms for students to reside under the protection of the college management. The self-catering apartments are close to the college premises.
Homestays and Part-Time Sitters
It is essential to learn the Kiwi culture and mannerisms as well while studying in the country, if you want to work and finally settle. Homestays are cozy areas where most high school students reside while studying at a high school. Many college students too, take up this option. However, they sometimes work part-time also, say, look after pets in a residential house or farm animals in a farmstay.
Many work as house sitters too. It is possible to also work as an Au Pair or a house-sitter and study part-time at a college. Although, residing at the pet owner’s house or working as a house-sitter may not fetch you money, it would give you the opportunity to stay on for free and even get complimentary meals at times.
College New Zealand
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.

College New Zealand Enrollments
Students must attain a certain level of proficiency to take up tertiary education in the colleges. However, if you don’t have the required level, you can take up a foundation course to hone your skills for college admissions.
Smooth Transition from a School to a College New Zealand
After secondary education in schools, students enroll to a college in New Zealand to pursue tertiary education. Though the criteria for studying in a college differs from one course to another, certain rules remain common for all – excellence in English language and academic brilliance.
A student must pass the required level in NCEA by appearing for suitable examination and gaining a certain number of credit points. Here is a list of NCEA levels and their equivalent certifications:
NCEA Level 1 is equal to School Certificate.
NCEA Level 2 is equal to Six Form Certificate.
NCEA Level 3 is equal to Bursary.
Education Pathway from School to College
In general a tertiary education at a college in New Zealand enrolls students with a basic understanding of the skill or subject that they are expected learn at the college. During the final year in college, the student will be able to independently carry out learning in the said subject. From various schools in New Zealand, thousands of students enroll to various full-time and part-time subjects.
In college, a student can study:
Undergraduate degree programs – You can study this curriculum if you have an entry-degree or diploma qualification.
Diploma programs – You can study this curriculum if you have an NCEA level 2 or level-3 certification.
Certification programs -- You can study this curriculum if you have an NCEA level 1 certification.
Foundation certification programs – You can study this curriculum anytime as no formal qualification is required to study these programs.
Conditions to Study at Polytechnic Colleges from School
From school, it is also possible to enter a polytechnic to study a technical course or a job-oriented curriculum. For admission to such colleges, you must have:
Attained 20 years of age
Acquired 42 credits at Level 3 on approved subjects
Acquired 8 credits in English language or Level 2 of te reo Ma
Acquired 14 credits in Numeracy at Level 1
Secured 14 credits in Mathematics or Statistics as well as in Probability or Pangarau
…And, there is a possibility of changes in these conditions during 2014. The Nelson Marlborough College for instance has specified the credits required for admission in future.
Securing Admissions
Students can contact the recruiting cell of the colleges to seek further advice on entry level foundation programs. It is possible to attend a college or a workshop for a day to decide the program that a student wishes to study in the college. Unitec for instance, has not only created workshops for the students but also allowed guest students to visit the campus and faculty to clear their doubts. You can check online to find out more about college admissions.
College New Zealand Application Service
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
Apply to Colleges in New Zealand
Many international students apply each year to acquire tertiary education in colleges in New Zealand. Apart from academic qualifications, the students must submit complete admission forms. AA Education helps students to apply successfully.
Applying to a College in New Zealand
There is an admission procedure to join a college in New Zealand. However, each college can have its own procedure to assess students and take them on roll to provide tertiary education. International students have to fulfill certain criteria to study in colleges or universities. These criteria can also differ from one country to another.
English Criteria
English proficiency is a must for international students coming from non-English speaking countries. Undergraduate students applying for studying at colleges in New Zealand must sit for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination and attain a certain score. For TOEFL, scaled score of at least 80 points and IELTS score of at least 6.0 is required to apply for tertiary education.
If the student is 16 years or more with not-so-good knowledge in English, he or she can take up English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) tuition or enroll in a English language course to improve fluency in the language.
Academic Criteria
Apart from English requirement, the colleges in New Zealand have specific requirements that are based on academic knowledge of the student. For instance, a student looking forward to study tertiary education in the country must fulfill secondary education. The NCEA qualification would suffice for a student from New Zealand. However, an international student must provide certificates equivalent to secondary education that is recognized by the education department in New Zealand.
Key areas where tertiary education is provided in colleges in New Zealand are polytechnics, science and technology, and art related subjects. Management studies can also be pursued in New Zealand colleges. However, the student must attain a GMAT score of more than 550, acquire at least a couple of years of work experience, and have a good academic score as well.
Role of AA Education
International students staying at their native place may find it difficult to apply to various colleges in New Zealand and finally, select an ideal education hub. Cost may escalate and the students may not know whether the application is done accurately or not. Often, the applications are cancelled due to some error in submission.
Education agencies, such as AA Education provides just the apt assistance international students need. From qualifying for English requirements to applying correctly and getting the right information to decide about the college, the AA Education provides a qualified role to the students. Some basic tasks you can expect from the education agency are:
- Key information about studying in colleges in New Zealand.
- Tips and information on various language courses, internship programs, courses on tertiary education in universities, job-oriented vocational courses, and link courses to get into the main education stream.
- Tips to select the apt education hub.
- Information on courses at various institutes and English language tests.
- Tips to complete application form to apply to a college in New Zealand and collate the required documents for the purpose.
- Tips to complete Student Visa application and the documents needed for the purpose.
- Information on scholarships or education funds if required.
- Suggestions in getting a suitable accommodation in New Zealand.
- Suggestions on insurance, finances, student discounts, and so on.
…And, a dedicated assistance whenever an international student applying through AA Education arrives in New Zealand. Note that the services offered by the hub are free.
Procedure to Apply for Admission
Here are the steps that an international students must do when he or she wants to apply to a college in New Zealand. A student must:
Send information about education qualification to AA Education.
Specify the college where he or she wants to study.
Decide on the college and the course after getting required information from AA Education.
Send complete application form with attached documents to the agency after getting the blank form from the agency. An offer letter is received by the student after the form is submitted successfully by the agency to the concerned college.
Decide on the offer given by the college, confirm the decision, and pay for the course to the institute. The Student receives the ‘Letter of Enrollment’.
Apply for the Student Visa with the help of AA Education.
Complete formalities to arrive in New Zealand to attend the class.
College New Zealand Applications
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
Students, who are interested in job-oriented courses, take up Vocational Education and Training (VET) in many polytechnics or colleges in New Zealand. Often, the colleges encourage the students to take up a training session on skills required in the industries.
ITOs and VET Groups help to Train Students to Get Suitable Openings in Various Industries
To get a head start in one’s career, many students take up vocational courses in top New Zealand colleges, which specializes them in a particular skill-set for various industries. Some state-sponsored New Zealand colleges, polytechnics, and Private Training Establishments (PTEs) provide VET programs. There are options to enroll to Industrial Training Organizations (ITOs) to hone skills required just for the industries.
Some colleges, especially the language colleges, have outdoor curriculum. While working at a farm or a hotel, the students learn how to communicate in English. Top colleges in New Zealand are located at prime spots, such as Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Wellington. Polytechnics providing various skilled courses are interspersed in the country.
Education Pathways – Level 1 – 6
Some polytechnics provide curricula that are just for the international students. The programs can be categorized into Level 1 to Level 6. Care is taken that international meritorious students take up tertiary education without any hassles, work, and ultimately settle in the country. The learning package includes hands-on experience in the industry, working with contemporary machinery used in the industry, and practical skills. Along with studies, the polytechnics include adventure, cultural experience, and entertainment. Aoraki Polytechnic is one such technical education provider that offers such curriculum.
Career-Based Learning
In New Zealand, it is possible to take up a specialized subject for graduation. Often, vocational or career-based courses allow students to hone their talents, learn through experiments, and bring innovation in their learning. For instance, South Seas Film and Television School offers vocational courses on animation, filmography, photography, imaging, and design work. The courses end in a hands-on application.
Kinesthetic Learning
Community colleges in New Zealand provide practical hands-on learning or kinesthetic education where small groups of students are given practical training on a particular skill – say, hairdressing, culinary preparations, and housekeeping. At prominent locales, such as Canterbury, Dunedin, Marlborough, and Southland there are specialized colleges that offer pre-employment training.
Colleges for Specialists
Midwifery in New Zealand is quite a prestigious technical career for women who start their endeavor right after high school. According to New Zealand College of Midwives, there colleges that provides tertiary education to women who qualify for studying a course for midwives. Special privileges are granted to the technical hubs so that midwives can practice their skills well. In fact, some polytechnics have the authority to provide Master’s degree in midwifery.
Nelson Aviation College is yet another college in New Zealand that is dedicated to the pilots. Diploma is offered to the students who pass out successfully from this institute. The courses include helicopter flying, piloting an airplane, and flying an army jet plane.
Each year, various curricula for colleges in New Zealand are assessed and approved by the education ministry.
College New Zealand
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
You can study in any part of New Zealand because the education system is the same everywhere. And if you gain a qualification from a New Zealand college or polytechnic you’ll have a higher chance of getting work here. That means it’ll be easier to stay if you want to make New Zealand your home. Many New Zealand qualifications are internationally recognised, so you'll have opportunities for excellent jobs worldwide.
New Zealand's colleges are becoming first choice for an increasing number of international students seeking quality education. New Zealand colleges offer students a unique learning environment.
International students find it easy to make the transition to the next level of education. The New Zealand education system has plenty of options for international students. Get more information about the colleges in New Zealand and how to apply!
New Zealand College Courses - Get discounts with us! New Zealand College Experts answer your questions about the NZ College system and suitable Colleges in NZ.
College Certificate New Zealand
Level 1
- This level involves repetitive tasks
- Students are exposed to a narrow range of knowledge and there is no generation of new ideas
- This is employed under close supervision
The process for level 1 involves carrying out tasks that are limited in range and arefamiliar and repetitive to the student. He/she will not require any special knowledge to carry out tasks at this level. The tasks are made easier by the fact thatthey are required within a set context and the student can be prepared for it well in advance.
Learning at level 1 requires recall in order to carry out basic tasks but the range ofknowledge and skills required is very narrow indeed. The student/learner is notrequired to generate new ideas but simply work on existing ideas and knowledge with which he/she is familiar.
Activities at this level are normally directed under close supervision and there is no opportunity for self-directed activity at this level. In addition, the student/learner isnot responsible for imparting knowledge to others or being responsible for the learning of others at this level.
Level 2
- This levels involves moderate tasks that are routine and familiar
- There is little generation of new ideas
- There is directed activity
This level requires a mental process which is a little more complex than that of level1. Nevertheless, the tasks are moderate in range and operate within familiarparameters as found in level 1. The student/learner is required to make use of established processes to make routine choices from any given selection.
Learning at this level is limited in that knowledge is readily available and only basicworking knowledge is required for this level. The working context is familiar as inlevel 1 and the generation of new ideas on the part of the student/learner is minimal.
Level 2 also involves directed activity as in level 1. The student/learner is closely supervised but the difference is that the student may be directly held responsible forthe quantity and quality of work produced and he/she may also be delegated some responsibility for supervising the work of others.
Level 3
- This level requires well developed skills
- The context and situation is by far familiar
- There is general supervision and opportunities for taking responsibility for others
This level requires skills a notch higher above levels 1 & 2. However, there arechoices as far as procedures are concerned and the contexts are by large familiar to the student/learner.
He/she is required to possess some theoretical knowledge at this level since readilyavailable will have to be interpreted at his/her discretion and judgement. But the problems put forward will be familiar to the student/learner and there will be a readily available set of responses.
Level 3 also involves directed activity as in the previous levels; the only difference being that there is some autonomy. Tasks may be subject to general supervision forquality control purposes. Generally, the student/learner may be directly responsible for the quantity and quality of output produced at this level. He/she may also be required to supervise the output of others.
Level 4
- This level uses a mixture of contexts familiar and unfamiliar
- There may be analytical or theoretical interpretation
- This is a self-directed activity
This level is the next step from the previous three levels and requires a range of technical and scholastic skills to be successful. Again as in the previous levels, thestudent/learner will be offered choice as far as the procedures are concerned. Thecontexts applied for level 4 may vary from those familiar to the learner/student to those which are utterly unfamiliar.
This level requires a broad knowledge base with a solid grasp of theoretical concepts.The student/learner may be required to interpret or pass judgement on readily available information at this level. He/she may also be required to formulateappropriate responses to a range of concrete problems with theoretical underpinnings.
Level 4 differs from the previous three levels in that there may be both self-directedand directed activity on the part of the learner/student. These activitieswill be applied within broad general guidelines. The student/learner at this level assumes full responsibility for the nature, quantity and quality of the outputproduced. He/she may also be required to contribute towards achieving groupoutcomes at this level.
College New Zealand
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
College Diploma New Zealand
Level 5
- This level requires specialist skills
- A broad knowledge base is required
This level 5 requires a wide range of scholastic skills and technical aptitude. Procedures for level 5 may vary from standard to non-standard and contexts may range from routine to non-routine.
As far as learning is concerned, the student/learner requires a substantial depth of knowledge in a particular area in addition to his/her broad knowledge base. This isdone with the aim to formulating appropriate responses to some concrete problems with theoretical underpinnings.
Learning at level 5 involves self-directed activity and directed activity wherenecessary. In cases of directed activity, there will normally be broad general guidelines for the student/learner to follow. He/she at this level is full responsible forthe nature, quantity and quality of the outcomes produced and may assume some responsibility for contributing towards the achievement of group outcomes.
Level 6
- This level requires basic research skills
- Bachelor's degrees/graduate diplomas
The procedure for this level encompasses specialist, technical and scholastic learning.The student/learner at this level will find himself/herself confronted with a range of standard and non-standard procedures in often non-standard combinations.The assigned tasks for level 6 may vary and there might be no fixed routine schedule.
In order to succeed at this level, the student/learner will be required to apply his/her specialist knowledge in more than one area. He/she may be required to analyse,reformat or evaluate from a wide range of readily available information. The problems posed at level 6 may range from concrete to plain abstract.
The student/learner will apply his/her knowledge in managing the learning processes within broadly defined parameters for specific activities. At this level, he/she becomes completely accountable for his/her own as well the group’s learning outcomes.3
College New Zealand
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
College New Zealand Blog & Updates
College New Zealand 2018/19
At NZMA students can gain a Certificate in Pharmacy Technician at the Auckland City Campus. This 60-week programme encompasses theory and practical learning, with an extensive work placement in the pharmacy industry.
NZMA provides a multi-resource central Auckland environment to facilitate students’ learning and provides state-of-the-art facilities to enhance their skills, through practical and theory based learning.
Students now only require 5.5 IELTs level to apply for this programme.
The New Zealand Certificate in Pharmacy Technician (Level 5) programme* teaches all of the necessary pharmaceutical skills and includes six pharmacy module programmes plus 400 hours of work experience, giving students an opportunity to gain a recognised higher qualification and the ability to step into exciting and sustainable employment in the pharmaceutical industry.
Qualified technicians can earn from NZ$42,000 to NZ$56,000 per year^ and 80% of our current graduates are working in the pharmacy industry.
Next intake – 8 October 2018
NZMA is dedicated to supporting our students to achieve the best from their studies, with over 80% of our graduates moving onto employment or higher study**.
We deliver employment-focused vocational training across 11 campuses in New Zealand to 4,500 students each year in the fields of business, hospitality, cookery, services, pharmacy and health.
The consultation process of post-study work rights for international students ended on 29 June. No announcements or changes have been made at this point, however, our upcoming intakes could be the last chance international students have to enter New Zealand under the current rules.
We encourage you to speak with your students who are holding offers for upcoming intakes this year and encourage them to enrol now or make an application today to ensure that they don't miss out!
For more information about other programmes at NZMA and upcoming intake dates please visit our website or contact us.
Career College New Zealand - College New Zealand
With the acquisition of three high quality Category 1 institutions, ACG provides an excellent range of career-focused programmes that prepares your students for employment in a variety of fields.
ACG Yoobee School of Design offers diplomas in Graphic Design, Digital Media, Animation, Filmmaking, Game Arts, 3D Graphics, Web Development, plus pathways to degrees.
New Zealand Career College offers certificates and diplomas in Health, Business and Early Childhood Education.
New Zealand Management Academies offers diplomas in Hospitality, Cookery and Business.
With campuses in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch, students are given a choice of study locations across New Zealand.
College New Zealand
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
College New Zealand - Special Courses
Animation College is New Zealand’s only college to offer degree and diploma level courses specialising in both 2D and 3D character animation.
We can help you to enrol in this college, please contact us for more information!
College New Zealand Blog
Once again our annual Amazing Race was a huge success! ITC students in awesome costumes ran all over Auckland City for prizes and there was lots of fun had.
College New Zealand Application
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
Unitec has plans to host a 2-Day First-Aid Workshop from December 1 to December 08, 2012 at its facility. The students would be given tips on first aid skills, such as cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, and bandaging. A certificate would be awarded after successful completion of the workshop. To participate in this workshop, contact us right away.
College New Zealand
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
Prizegivings: The students in the four ACG Schools finish for the year this week. The final celebration of success and effort will be rewarded at the colleges' annual prizegiving ceremonies.
This year I will attend the ACG Parnell College and ACG Senior College senior prizegivings.
Foundation: The students who are in their last term of study of foundation will receive their graduation results over the next two weeks. When these are released we will email our partners the students' results and also advise the impact of these results.
Students in foundation receive their offer documents direct from the university. While ACG is aware if they have achieved the requirements we do not receive copies of the students' offers.
CIE Examinations: Students in the four ACG schools who entered the CIE examinations will receive their results from Cambridge in mid-January just prior to the next school year commencing.
NCEA Literacy: The NCEA Level 2 Writing course commenced on Monday 1st December. The course runs for 6 weeks over two three-week blocks and ends Friday 23rd January 2015.
For students who need to achieve the Reading and the Writing Credits we have a course commencing Monday 16th February which runs for 12 weeks.
ACG Tauranga: 2015 marks a significant year for ACG.
Not only do we enter our 21st year of operation but we open our first domestic New Zealand school outside of Auckland, at Tauranga. ACG Tauranga will open as a Year 1 to 9 school in January 2015. In Term 2 a pre-school will open. From 2016 we will admit students from Years 1 to 10 and will also admit international students.
College New Zealand
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
Prizegivings: The students in the four ACG Schools finish for the year this week. The final celebration of success and effort will be rewarded at the colleges' annual prizegiving ceremonies.
This year I will attend the ACG Parnell College and ACG Senior College senior prizegivings.
Foundation: The students who are in their last term of study of foundation will receive their graduation results over the next two weeks. When these are released we will email our partners the students' results and also advise the impact of these results.
Students in foundation receive their offer documents direct from the university. While ACG is aware if they have achieved the requirements we do not receive copies of the students' offers.
CIE Examinations: Students in the four ACG schools who entered the CIE examinations will receive their results from Cambridge in mid-January just prior to the next school year commencing.
NCEA Literacy: The NCEA Level 2 Writing course commenced on Monday 1st December. The course runs for 6 weeks over two three-week blocks and ends Friday 23rd January 2015.
For students who need to achieve the Reading and the Writing Credits we have a course commencing Monday 16th February which runs for 12 weeks.
ACG Tauranga: 2015 marks a significant year for ACG.
Not only do we enter our 21st year of operation but we open our first domestic New Zealand school outside of Auckland, at Tauranga. ACG Tauranga will open as a Year 1 to 9 school in January 2015. In Term 2 a pre-school will open. From 2016 we will admit students from Years 1 to 10 and will also admit international students.
College New Zealand
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) has announced the new price list for various courses. Those who have already enrolled before December 1, 2012 will not be however, affected by this increase in price. Check with us for new course prices or information on courses.
College New Zealand
For more information about our free College New Zealand services, please contact us.