Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) in New Zealand
Study as International Student at Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) in New Zealand
16 institutions in New Zealand are part of the polytechnic and Institute of technology system and provide education and training in a wide range of industry and occupation-based vocational studies. Many of these institutions offer academic and vocational degree programs as well. Specialised training for teachers is available at colleges of education, which provide studies in early childhood, primary and secondary education. Additional university studies may be undertaken as part of these courses.
All colleges offer specialist courses taught by trained teachers. Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) are state-funded tertiary institutions that provide a wide range of education and training programs including full degrees and some post-graduate courses. They operate on similar lines to the TAFE education institutions in Australia.
Historically, the Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) have focussed on vocational and practical education programs preparing students for industry. Over the past 10 years, these institutions have expanded their program to become more business and technology focussed and to offer a wide range of recognised degree programs approved by the New Zealand Government. All Polytechnics and Institutes belong to The Association of Polytechnics in New Zealand.
Popular New Zealand ITP's Course Fields:
Communication and Information Technology
Administrative Management
Art & Design
Travel and tourism
Agriculture and Horticulture
Business Administration
Trades and engineering
How we can help
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We help you with your visa application, medical and travel insurance, opening a Zealand bank account, tax, finding accommodation… These are just some of the services that we offers!
Documents & Application
We will walk you through completing your application and lodge it for you. All you need to do if provide the necessary documents. As well as completion and submission, we can help with organising and certifying your documentation, arranging English proficiency tests and translations.
On Going Support
Once you arrive, we continue to be there for you. You can e-mail us at any time during your stay. We can help you, extend or renew your student visa, and also provide you with the necessary additional information like the conditions of your visa.
More about the Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) in New Zealand
Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) New Zealand Degrees and Courses
Courses are offered in a wide variety of disciplines and there can be several different levels of entry for students who wish to study a particular programme. For example, a student may not have the academic or English level required to directly enter a degree program at the Polytechnic but they can have the option of beginning with an introductory Certificate and/or Diploma course which can qualify later a student for entry into the degree. This ability to begin studies at different levels to study towards a degree is called ‘staircasing’ and is generally not an option at traditional Universities. Entry criteria for Polytechnic degrees are similar to Universities and students must meet the academic and English (IELTS 6.0 or 6.5) requirements before being accepted into the degree program.
Many Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) have provided training programs for overseas Governments and also have a close working association with industry and business in New Zealand.
ITPs normally operate two-semester programs similar to Universities beginning in February and ending in November with the semester break in July. Some programs allow students to begin in the second semester.
Colleges in New Zealand have an international focus within their courses and activities. A New Zealand college offers internationally recognized degrees.
These qualifications will highly assure employment in New Zealand as well as on the global market since major employers recognise New Zealand’s qualifications.
Another plus: The education system in New Zealand is federally regulated. That means the New Zealand government checks on the colleges and guarantees in order to maintain the high education standards in New Zealand.
Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) New Zealand courses are wide-ranging and can include:
- Administration Hospitality and Hotel Training
- Agriculture Landscaping
- Architecture Media and TV
- Art and Design
- Midwifery
- Business
- Motor Mechanics
- Computing
- Nursing
- Construction
- Restaurant Cooking
- Electrical Engineering
- Science
- Engineering Sports
- English Language (ESL)
- Surveying
- Fashion
- Telecommunications
- Forestry Technology
- Horticulture
- Travel and Tourism
Technology plays quite an important role in vocational education in New Zealand. While many vocational institutes offer technical courses to make the students job-ready, some colleges produce technologically-savvy individuals each year.
If you have plans to study in New Zealand and are thinking of the benefits that studying brings to your life, then you should read this article for you to find out some of the reasons and discover how you can change your life when you study at the Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) in New Zealand
Friendly Culture and Modern Teaching Methodologies
The success of technology studies in New Zealand is due to the friendly culture available in the country. There are safe accommodation facilities, entertainment, group tours, and study abroad programs.
The group tours provide learning as well as entertainment. As New Zealand has pristine natural beauty and some spots are ecological landmarks, students studying outdoor education in marine biotech programs get a first-hand experience to view the country’s natural beauty.
Students are given the scope to use the latest computing and electronic gadgets to learn. An updated assessment level also ensures that students can meet the standards expected in the international market.
New Zealand has some internationally well-known technology-based institutes that offer world-class education in engineering, computing, electronics, and tech-based subjects. No wonder, in global championships and technology-based competitions, most NZ students win top positions.
Hands-on experience
The brilliance of technology-based courses is that they offer first-hand experience to students. Students can work off-campus for a few hours per week easily.
Projects and work assignments include biotechnology, biomedical technologies, applied ecology, applied engineering, applied neurosciences, and applied mathematics.
Industry-Pro Curriculum
Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) in New Zealand offer courses that are aligned with the needs of the industry. Pioneering work done by students in the colleges are those based on issues concerning people and the environment.
Processing water for agricultural use and developing machines for irrigation have been some of the revolutionary works done by researchers. Before venturing into the research field, the college helps them to meet the standards and expectations of such research works.
Exposure to Hi-Tech Workshops and Competitions
One of the reasons why New Zealand Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) are popular among foreign students is their updated curriculum and learning methods. The colleges help to instil interest and innovative skills in the students by giving them exposure to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related competitions, seminars, and student exchange programs.
The students can also take part in hands-on activities related to machinery and robots. Indigenous works are given credits as well.
Lucrative Careers from Secondary Level
Many technical courses invite students with secondary qualification to enrol in their course. For instance, school students who have completed their Year 13 can become food technologists. Some budding scientists and managers work on nutrition, foodstuff, health, and hygiene.
The colleges organize fests, shows, and competitions to ensure that enough exposure is given to the students studying technology. Similar to food technology, there are applied sciences and creative technologies and design works, and computing.
There are pathways to further studies in New Zealand’s education system. So, if a student has studied technical courses in the colleges, he or she can take up a pathway course for research and development in the universities.
Ara Institute of Canterbury (ARA)
Eastern Institute of Technology (Hawkes Bay) (EIT)
Manukau Institute of Technology
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT)
Northland Polytechnic (NorthTec)
Otago Polytechnic
Southern Institute of Technology (SIT)
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Unitec New Zealand
Universal College of Learning (UCOL)
Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology
Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec)
Wellington Institute of Technology (Weltec)
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki (WITT)
Whitireia Community Polytechnic
Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) in New Zealand are a wide range of learning institutions providing different types of degrees and educational programs which operate at variable levels for all different types of students that want to learn and be successful in life.
In traditional times, Wãnanga conveyed meanings related to highly evolved knowledge, lore, occult arts and also a forum in the sense of a discussion to arrive at a deeper understanding. In New Zealand, Wãnaga is a type of publicly owned tertiary institution that provides education in a Maori cultural context. Wãnaga educational programmes are accredited through the New Zealand Qualifications Authority NZQA and Ministry of Education and are partly governed by the New Zealand Tertiary Education commission TEC Wãnaga are similar in many ways to mainstream universities.
ITPs are considered to be state-owned tertiary institutions along with universities, and colleges of education, today there is often much crossover in courses and qualifications offered between all these types of Tertiary Education Institutions.
The areas of study at New Zealand’s Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs), are a wide range of programs that offered comprehensive preparatory programs for undergraduate students, a Pre-Masters course for postgraduate students, with a range of Diploma courses that lead to degrees in many different areas.
Polytechnics and Wãnaga will offer you many diverse courses which will set you up for life, with great employment opportunities, with many qualifications being vocational which will give you hands-on experience with support and advice available such as subject selection, right career choice, study skills, personal learning difficulties and examination techniques are some of the academic support areas.
‘So be the person you want to be and succeed in life’
With top-class lecturers which are available for private consultations and a wide range of facilities that Wãnaga or Polytechnics have got on offer, why not take the chance to study in Wãnaga or Polytechnics because we are confident that you will benefit from the growth and improved services that Wãnaga and Polytechnics are now offering to international and local students alike.
Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) in New Zealand have traditionally specialised in vocational training, but that role has expanded over the last decade to meet the needs of learners and the economy. Many are involved in research activities, particularly in applied and technological areas and other degrees.
Degree tuition fees range from NZ$10,000 to NZ$16,000 per year depending on the course of study. Certificate and Diploma programs are a little cheaper.