Undergraduate Studies in New Zealand is possibly the most popular form of tertiary study in New Zealand
Undergraduate Studies in New Zealand is provided by all Universities as well as many specialist vocational education providers such as private training establishments (PTE's) and ITP's. These programmes can range from one year Certificate programmes, to two year Diplomas and 3 or 4 year degrees. Most degrees are 3 years.
You can select your Undergraduate Studies in New Zealand either by course, institution or location. Students must submit documents to confirm their previous study record to ensure they meet the academic entry requirements. If these documents are accepted most institutions will issue an Offer of Place confirming acceptance into the course conditional on satisfying the English requirement.
Certificate level 4
A certificate at level 4 qualifies individuals to work or study in broad or specialised field(s)/areas. Upon completion of this level graduates are able to demonstrate broad operational and theoretical knowledge in a field of work or study, select and apply solutions to familiar and sometimes unfamiliar problems, select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to the field of work or study, apply a range of communication skills relevant to the field of work or study, demonstrate the self-management of learning and performance under broad guidance and demonstrate some responsibility for performance of others.
Certificate level 5
A certificate at level 5 qualifies individuals with theoretical and/or technical knowledge and skills within an aspect(s) of a specific field of work or study. Upon completion of a level 5 certificate, graduates are able to: demonstrate broad operational or technical and theoretical knowledge within an aspect(s) of a specific field of work or study, select and apply a range of solutions to familiar and sometimes unfamiliar problems, select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to the field
of work or study, demonstrate complete self-management of learning and performance within defined contexts and demonstrate some responsibility for the management of learning and performance for others.
Diploma level 5
A diploma at level 5 qualifies individuals with theoretical and/or technical knowledge and skills within a specific field of work or study. Upon completion of a level 5 certificate, you are able to: demonstrate broad operational or technical and theoretical knowledge within a specific field of work or study, select and apply a range of solutions to familiar and sometimes unfamiliar problems, select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to the field of work or study, demonstrate complete self-management of learning and performance within defined contexts and demonstrate some responsibility for the management of learning and performance of others.
Diploma level 6
A diploma at level 6 qualifies individuals with theoretical and/or technical knowledge and skills
in specialised/strategic contexts. Upon completion of a level 5 certificate, you are able to: demonstrate specialised technical or theoretical knowledge with depth in a field of work or study, analyse and generate solutions to familiar and unfamiliar problems, select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to the field of work or study, demonstrate complete self-management of learning and performance within dynamic contexts and demonstrate responsibility for leadership within dynamic contexts.
Diploma level 7
A diploma at level 7 qualifies individuals with specialised and technical knowledge and skills within a professional context.
Upon completion of a level 5 certificate, you are able to: demonstrate specialised technical or theoretical knowledge with depth in one or more fields of work or study, analyse and generate solutions to unfamiliar and sometimes complex problems, select, adapt and apply a range of processes relevant to the field of work or study and demonstrate advanced generic skills and/or specialist knowledge and skills in a professional context or field of study.
Bachelor's degrees/graduate diplomas
Bachelor Degree's are generally 3 year courses. During this time the student will complete a certain number of units, resulting in course work, assignments and finally and exam. The score from the final exam will let the student and the course know if they have successfully completed this unit. To achieve their Bachelor Degree the student must successfully complete all units.
New units are studied each semester. There are two semesters in a year each running for 4 to 5 months. If a student fails a unit they will need to repeat this subject in the following semester. Repeating a unit will mean paying to study it again, this can become quite costly.
This level in New Zealand eduction demands highly specialised technical and scholastic skills. Thestudent/learner must also have basic research skills across a major discipline. The learning process involves the full range of procedures expected of a major discipline. For this level, complex tasks are applied in highly specialised and variable contexts. This is a natural progression from the previous level.
Since the learning process is complex at level 7, the student/learner must possessin-depth and specialist knowledge in a major discipline in order to perform thecomplex and variable tasks. The tasks assigned for level 7 will not have concreteproblems but the data and concepts submitted for analysis, transformation and evaluation will be abstract. The student/learner must be able to use his/herspecialist knowledge to formulate appropriate responses to any given contextual problem.
Level 7 applies learning in planning, resourcing and managing available resources inorder to achieve a satisfactory output. The student/learner uses his/her knowledgewithin broad general guidelines and assumes complete responsibility for his/her own as the well as the group’s learning outcomes.
Bachelor Degree with Honors (Level 8)
If a student wishes they can study an additional year. This is known as "honours", an honours year consists of the student completing graduate work in their field of study. This level requires advanced research skills and there is self-directed research activity with minimal supervision.
Level 8 in New Zealand education is classed as postgraduate and involves in-depth research across a major discipline in a systematic and coherent manner leading to satisfactory learning outcomes. The student/learner is required to undertake a self-directed activity such as research, study or scholarship and demonstrate the following three attributes: intellectual independence, analytic rigor and sound communication skill

Entry Requirements & Dates
Because most tertiary institutions also have English language institutes it is normal practice for the institution to issue two Offers of Place, or one combined Offer of Place, which includes an English programme with the undergraduate course offer. The normal English requirement is IELTS (Academic) 6.0 or 6.5 average depending on the course. Institutions sometimes also require a minimum mark of 6.0 in the Writing module.
A good option is for students to initially apply for a 6 month English program and once they are studying in New Zealand they will be better able to review their future study options. They will also have a better idea about how long it will take for them to achieve the English entry level and can plan their future study accordingly.
Tertiary institution course semester entry dates are around mid-February and mid-July each year.
Quality assurance of your undergraduate studies in New Zealand
New Zealand education is recognised internationally and the fact that New Zealand offers instruction in the English language practically means that you can just about study in any country where English is the medium of instruction.
New Zealand education offers quality assurance for courses that are accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
National Qualifications Framework
The National Qualifications Framework is a system of national qualifications available through course work in schools, polytechnics, colleges of education and wananga and work-based training programmes. It links 800 different qualifications across almost every industry.
Many of the courses international students undertake will be covered by the National Qualifications Framework. The Framework gives students the ability to plan what, where and how to learn and gives them a clear understanding of what skills and knowledge are needed to succeed in their chosen field.
The Framework provides nationally recognised, consistent standards and qualifications, regardless of where learning and assessment are undertaken.
The Framework has received strong endorsement and support from New Zealand's education and training providers, employers and national industry and professional groups. It is also compatible with similar systems being established in the United Kingdom, Europe, South Africa, Australia and North America.